Sunday, November 4, 2012

Linden's Butternut Squash Lasagna

Dude. Dude. Hold up.

Now I know I'm usually not one to toot my own horn, but today I'm going to go ahead and make an exception. I bought a squash the other day, because winter is coming and butternut squash is the food of winter, and I am getting myself psyched up for another healthy winter full of goodness and empty of simple carbohydrates.

And I discovered that with the addition of cheese, not only does butternut squash become very attractive, it is also super delicious. I'm seriously not kidding, Chris said this was better than my full-of-italian-sausage lasagna.

Now, I'm not taking that seriously, because like Papa he tends to be overcome with thoughts of goodness, and inexpensive ingredients, so his

I did all the prep and assembly on Sunday afternoon, and then popped the whole thing into the fridge. Came home from work tonight, put it in the oven, and 40 minutes later a delicious cheesy dish of goodness! Like magic, or more accurately, foresight, hard work and planning.

It's really, really good. And it looks really good, perfect for autumn!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grandma: Pumpkin cake!

Pumpkin cake pumpkin cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can!  (And post it on Vongsafood, please).

Grandma made this:

Looking good, cake!

...out of this:
Looking ugly, pumpkin!

I think we can all agree: that pumpkin would make for one scary Jack-o-lantern.